A guide to living life simply, sincerely, and wisely. The ancient Japanese concept of wabi-sabi can become your touchpoint to a more fulfilling approach to life.
With deep roots in Taoism, Shinto, and Buddhism, wabi sabi is a philosophical and spiritual stance that celebrates imperfection, impermanence, contentment, detachment, and natural beauty. The Wabi-Sabi Way can show you how to harness these ancient teachings to help relieve stress and anxiety in your daily life.
From decluttering your home and your life to getting in touch with who you truly are, The Wabi-Sabi Way guides you on a more peaceful path through engaging reflections, self-inquiry, meditations, and more. Ultimately, this book’s hands-on approach to wabi sabi can help you connect with the world around you in new ways and cultivate a lighter, more holistic outlook.
This beginner’s guide to wabi sabi can help you to:
- Live well―Explore the six guiding principles of wabi sabi, including simplicity, authenticity, contentment, detachment, spontaneity, and a return to nature.
- Manage stress―Discover wabi sabi’s answers to easing modern concerns such as anxiety, busyness, competition, materialism, and self-regard.
- Flow with life―Practice self-inquiry and meditation inspired by age-old Japanese wisdom.
- Essential lessons to living an inspired existence come alive in The Wabi-Sabi Way.