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The Pursuit of Happiness v2.0

Morning routines are the on trend these days. It seems like each wealthy and/or famous person has a morning routine that has been a contributing factor in their success. Nearly every morning routine you can read about includes meditation. What it also includes is a bunch of stuff geared at making you happier. But what’s… Read More »The Pursuit of Happiness v2.0

The Power of Powerlessness

The more I read online, the more I find myself bombarded by writing that focuses on empowerment. But it tends to do so in the same way: by insisting that we have so much more power over our situations than we think — that our destiny is ours to shape; the world is effectively our oyster. But… Read More »The Power of Powerlessness

The Hunger of Our Time

“To achieve anything, you need a burning desire.” -Napoleon Hill I read the book Think and Grow Rich about 2 years ago. It was about the time that I began writing the kind of stuff you’re reading right now. In it, one of the founders of the modern self-help and positive psychology movement, Napoleon Hill, talks… Read More »The Hunger of Our Time

Less Passion, More Compassion

The Case for a Different Set of Entrepreneurial Traits I hear the term “passion” quite a bit these days. I hear people talk about themselves and others as “passionate” as if it is the trait to have. I read advice on how to find and pursue your passion. In the same way that they used… Read More »Less Passion, More Compassion