But not in the ways you might think

Today, I just felt the compelling need to say the following:
Always be learning — always.
Even when you feel like you’re not “getting anything done”.
Even when you feel like you’ll never really get what you’re trying to learn — especially when you feel like that.
Even when you feel like so many people know more than you. Even more so when you hear someone else say that they know more than you.
Even when it would be easier to just coast on through the day. Especially then.
Even when you think you know enough. Especially when you think you know enough. That’s when you need learning the most.
The disposition to learn is humbling, cleansing, purifying. It serves you and it serves humankind. It can and does make the world better.
Always be learning.
I’m not saying to always be reading. I’m not saying to always be taking courses online. I’m not saying to read my blog. I’m not saying to listen to this list of “enriching” podcasts. There are plenty of pieces (especially here on Medium) telling you do those things.
What I am saying is to always be learning. Learning can be done in so many other ways. Every conversation you have, or overhear. That’s a learning opportunity. Every moment of quiet introspection — observing the thoughts and feelings that arise. That’s a learning opportunity. Every floor you sweep, every dish you wash — there is ample opportunity to learn.
Whatever you are doing, it can be done better. It can be more enriching. However you are doing, you can always do better. Not just for you, but for those you serve — especially for those you serve. Learning is not so much self improvement as it is world improvement.
If you are always open to learn, you will always be agile, always be flexible, and always be getting better — at whatever it is you’re doing.

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