A Poem
When we leave this all
remember why we were there,
for all
of those who care
it might be a blessing,
though vainly disguised.
But when we get out, we may find something
to gain
something to lose,
either way it’s the same.
Because when you think about it,
there is much more for the white
and less for the blues
as if anything said through clenched teeth
could ever be good news.
So not for monotony,
but I think I may have had a damn good time.
And the dichotomy is sharply seen
at this point of the line,
where the credits are rolling over.
So for those traveling far
remember the faces that you are
and crack a smile
lest someone crack it for you.
Do please let the feelings go
and make sure they never know
where you hid your gold.
Until then
time and again
keep what is fleeting
because permanent things hurt
the most.
–a toast–